
  • Name: Port name.

  • Speed: Operating speed of the port.

  • Trunk: Trunk number if the port is assigned to one. (MSM720 only)

  • Received Packets: Number of packets received.

  • Transmitted Packets: Number of packets transmitted.

  • Collisions: Collisions indicate how many times two stations tried to use the network simultaneously. A small number of collisions is normal. A large number of collisions indicates that not enough bandwidth exists to support the traffic on the network. This may be caused by connecting too many client stations to the network, or by one or more client stations performing continuous large data transfers. Either reduce the number of client stations, or reduce the amount of traffic being carried by the network. You could also define user quotas to limit the amount of traffic.

  • MAC Address: MAC address of the port.

  • Connected To: Displays the name of the device and port to which the port is connected as reported by LLDP.