Basic Information

Controller Summary

  • System name: Name of the controller. By default, this is the serial number of the controller. To change the name, click it to open the Home > Summary page.

  • Internet address: IP address assigned to the Internet port network (Internet network on the MSM720). To change the address, click it to open the Network > VLANs & Networks page.

  • Location: (Only appears if defined on the Views > Home > Summary page.) Location where the controller is installed. (This is for informational purposes only and does not affect the operation of the controller.)

  • Contact: (Only appears if defined on the Views > Home > Summary page.) Contact information for the controller. (This is for informational purposes only and does not affect the operation of the controller.)

  • Uptime: Amount of time that has passed since the controller was last powered-on or restarted.

  • Software version: Version number of the software installed on the controller.

Access Points Configuration

  • Total access points: Total number of APs being managed by the controller.

  • Unsynchronized access points: Total number of APs that do not have their configuration synchronized with the settings defined on the controller.

  • Synchronize Access Points: Synchronize all APs with the configuration settings defined on the controller. Wireless clients connected to the APs will be temporarily disconnected while this occurs.