My Favorites

You can customize this tab to show the status information that is the most important to you. Click to the right of the tab title to edit the contents of the tab. The following information can be displayed:

  • WLAN: Shows the following information for the selected WLAN:

    • Total number of wireless clients connected to this WLAN on all APs.

    • Number of APs for each status level (Normal, Warning, Problem) that are broadcasting this WLAN. Click the WLAN name to open the Home > WLANs page.

  • Group: Shows the following information for the selected group:

    • Total number of wireless clients connected to this group on all APs.

    • Number of APs for each status level (Normal, Warning, Problem) that are members of this group. Click the group name to open the Home > Summary page.

  • Access point: Shows the following information for the selected AP:

    • Total number of wireless clients connected to this AP.

    • Amount of time since the AP was last restarted.

  • Users: Shows the number of configured and connected users.

  • DHCP: Shows the number of address leases assigned by the DHCP server (if configured) on the controller.