Custom attributes of NIC teaming for RHEL 7

The nic_teaming custom attribute for RHEL 7 consists of the following:

  • Teams — Defines multiple NIC teaming data.

  • TeamName — Defines the name of a particular NIC team. For example, team0, TeamA, team_1, and so on.

  • Filter — Defines the filter type. The valid filter types are InterfaceName and MacAddress.

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: RHEL 7 NIC teaming script fails if you provide any invalid filter type.

  • SlaveInterface — This attribute is used to define the ethernet interface details to form the NIC teaming. If the filter type is provided as MacAddress then MAC addresses must be provided to SlaveInterface. Similarly, if the filter type is provided as InterfaceName then name of the Ethernet interfaces must be provided to the SlaveInterface.

The following is the sample of nic_teaming custom attribute:

    "Teams" : [
                 "TeamName" : "team0" ,
                 "Filter" : "InterfaceName" ,
                 "SlaveInterface" : ["ens33", "ens34"]
                 "TeamName" : "teamA" ,
                 "Filter" : "MacAddress" ,
                 "SlaveInterface" : ["00:11:22:33:44:AA", "22:44:56:99:88:46"] 