Custom attributes of NIC teaming for Windows

The nic_teams custom attribute for Windows consists of the following:

  • Teams — Defines multiple NIC teaming data.

  • TeamName — Defines the name for a particular NIC team. For example, team0, TeamA, team_1, and so on.

  • Filter — Defines the filter type. The valid filter types are Name, MacAddress, InterfaceDescription, and ifIndex.

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: Windows NIC teams script fails if you provide invalid filter type.

The sample custom attribute of four filters used for creating multiple NIC teams are as follows:

  1. Name

    {"Teams": [{"filter": {"Name": ["Ethernet 4", "Ethernet 3"]}, "TeamName": "Team2"},{"filter": 
    {"Name": ["Ethernet 2", "Ethernet"]}, "TeamName": "Team1"}]}
  2. MacAddress

    {"Teams": [{"filter": {"MacAddress": ["00-50-56-93-20-BF", "00-50-56-93-54-D6"]}, 
    "TeamName": "Team2"},{"filter": {"MacAddress": ["00-50-56-93-25-7E", "00-50-56-93-70-34"]}, 
    "TeamName": "Team1"}]}
  3. InterfaceDescription

    {"Teams": [{"filter": {"InterfaceDescription": ["Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection", 
    "Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection #2"]}, "TeamName": "Team2"},{"filter": 
    {"InterfaceDescription": ["Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection #3", "Intel(R) PRO/1000 
    MT Network Connection #4"]}, "TeamName": "Team1"}]}
  4. ifIndex

    {"Teams": [{"filter": {"ifIndex": ["15", "14"]}, "TeamName": "Team2"},{"filter": {"ifIndex": ["13",
     "12"]}, "TeamName": "Team1"}]}