Configure OS Build Plans for use in Matrix OE

After Matrix OE has been configured to access the IC server provisioning appliance, configure the OS Build Plans by performing the following steps.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: OS Build Plans are not listed in Matrix OE if these attributes are not set.

  1. Select OS Build Plans from the Main Menu.

  2. Select a saved Build Plan. Note that Hewlett Packard Enterprise provided Build Plans cannot be edited.

  3. Select in the Custom Attributes pane.

  4. Select Create custom attribute.

    Create a custom attribute for the operating system type with a name “OSType” (case sensitive). Values must include either “Windows” or “Linux”. Other version information such as RHEL, R2, SUSE, SP2, 2008, 2012, 7 can be included but is not required. Examples include: “Windows 2008 R2”, “Windows 2012”, “Windows 2012 R2”, "Windows 7" and “Linux RHEL 6.3”. The order of the tokens in the string is not important, and other text can be included. For example, “My 2008 R2 Windows with drivers” will work.

  5. Create a custom attribute with a name “archType” (case sensitive). Value should be “x64”.