Modifying advanced controller settings

  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > controller > Configure Controller Settings > Advanced Controller Settings.
  2. In the Advanced Controller Settings screen, modify any of the following settings:



    Alternate Inconsistency Repair Policy

    (Does not apply to NVM Express SmartRAID SW RAID Support). Controls the behavior of the controller inconsistency repair Policy. This option is used to tune the controller performance for Video applications and requires the installation of a valid license key. Options are Enable or Disable.

    Degraded Mode Performance Optimization

    Used to tune controller performance for video applications and requires the installation of a valid license key. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

    HDD Flexible Latency Optimization

    Reduces the maximum observed latency from a host request.

    Maximum drive Request Queue Depth

    Controls the maximum number of physical drive requests that the firmware will submit to a drive at any given time. This option is used to tune controller performance for video applications. Options are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or Automatic.

    Monitor and Performance Analysis Delay

    Controls the behavior of the controller Monitor and Performance Analysis Delay and is expressed in values ranging from 0 to 60. This option is primarily used to tune controller performance for video applications and requires the installation of a valid license key.

    Physical Drive Request Elevator Sort

    Controls the behavior of the controller cache write Elevator sort algorithm.

    This option is used to tune controller performance for video applications and requires the installation of a valid license key. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

    RAID 6/60 Alternate Inconsistency Repair Policy

    Sets the Inconsistency Repair Policy for the controller. Options are Enabled and Disabled.

  3. Click Submit changes.