

webclient -g URL [-u user [-x passwd]][-o file]|[-m][-noproxy] webclient -p URL [-u user [-x passwd]][-i file][-noproxy] webclient -l


Downloads files from HTTP or FTP, and mounts an ISO file system.

Transfers files from or to HTTP and FTP locations, and mounts ISO file systems.



Retrieves a document.


Uploads a document.


Specifies the hypertext address of a document.


Redirects output to a specified file.


Redirects input from a specified file.


Specifies a file name.


Downloads and mounts an ISO file as a file system.


Displays information on the network settings used.

-u user

Specifies a user name.

-x passwd

Specifies a password.


Does not use a proxy for the requested operation.



You do not need to use ifconfig on a network interface if you plan to run webclient or ftp over the same interface because these interface and IP address settings are automatically selected by the Pre-Boot Network Settings configured in the System Utilities.

If the interface used by ftp and webclient happens to be configured by ifconfig, that setting is erased and, instead, the System Utilities Pre-Boot Network Settings menu is applied on the interface when the commands are run.

This command enables scriptable network transfers. A key benefit of using this command is that you can specify a URL with an HTTP address to retrieve a document, output it to a file at that address, and download a file or mount an ISO file. Press ESC or Ctrl-C to cancel a file transfer. For FTP URLs, authentication by supplying a user name and password in cleartext in the URL is supported. The maximum size of a file that can be saved to a FAT32 partition is 4 GB. The URL for downloads or uploads can be either HTTP or FTP. HTTP URL can be specified using either an IPv4/IPv6 address or host name. FTP URL can be specified using either an IPv4 address or host name. FTP over IPv6 is not supported. If neither -m nor -o are specified during the download operation, output is redirected to a new file on the current file system with the same name as the remote file. If -i is not specified during the upload operation, input is redirected from a file with the same name on the current file system. Make sure that you have free system memory (RAM) equivalent to the file size being transferred. If proxy is set, all download or upload operations are attempted via proxy. If proxy is not set or -noproxy is specified, all download or upload operations are attempted without proxy. When -l is specified, the settings used by the web client for network operations are displayed. You can change these settings in the Embedded UEFI Shell using sysconfig, or in the System Utilities.


To download an ISO file and mount an ISO file system:

fs0:\> webclient -g -m


fs0:\> webclient -g http://[1234:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007]/filename.iso -m


fs0:\> webclient -g http://[1234::1]/filename.iso -m


fs0:\> webclient -g http://www.example.com/filename.iso -m


fs0:\> webclient -g

To download a file from an HTTP server and save it to the current file system:

fs0:\> webclient -g -o file.html

To download a file from an FTP server with the user name user and the password pass: -u user -x pass -o file.html
fs0:\> webclient -g

To upload a file from an FTP server with the user name user and the password pass: -u user -x pass -o file.html
fs0:\> webclient -p

To download a file from an external HTTP server and save it to the current file system when proxy is set:

webclient -g http://www.hpe.com/file.html

To download a file from an internal HTTP server and save it to the current file system when proxy is set:

-g -noproxy

To display the network settings:

fs0:\> webclient -l