
Syntax pci[bus dev[func][-s seg][-i] [-ec ID]


Displays a PCI device list or PCI function configuration space information.



Specifies a bus number.


Specifies a device number.


Specifies a function number.

-s seg

Specifies a segment number.


Displays interpreted information.

-ec ID

Displays interpreted information about the extended capability of the specified PCIe.


This command displays all the PCI devices in the system. The information displayed for the configuration space of a PCI device is based on the specified bus, device, and function addresses. If the function address is not specified, it defaults to 0.

The -i option displays verbose information for the specified PCI device. The PCI configuration space for the device is dumped with a detail interpretation.

If no parameters are specified, all PCI devices are dumped with a detailed interpretation.

If the bus and dev number parameters are specified but the func or seg parameters are not, func or seg are set as default value 0.


To display all PCI devices in the system:

fs0:\> pci

To display the configuration space of bus 0, device 0, function 0:

fs0:\> pci 00 00 00 -i 
      To display the configuration space of segment 0, bus 0,device 0, function 0: 
		fs0:\> pci 00 00 00 -s 0