

vol[fs][-n volumelabel]



Displays volume information for a file system.



Specifies the name of the file system to display.

-n volumelabel

Specifies a name for the volume label. The following characters cannot be used: % ^ * + = [ ] | : ; " < > ? / . No spaces are allowed in the volume label.


Specifies an empty volume label.


If fs is not specified, the current file system is assumed. If -n is specified, the volume label for fs is set to the volumelabel parameter. The maximum length for volumelabel is 11 characters.


To display the volume of the current file system:

fs0:\> vol
Volume has no label (rw) 
1,457,664 bytes total disk space 
1,149,440 bytes available on disk
512 bytes in each allocation unit

To change the label of fs0:

shell> vol fs0 –n help_test 
Volume HELP_TEST (rw) 
1,457,664 bytes total disk space 
1,149,440 bytes available on disk 
512 bytes in each allocation unit 

To delete the volume label of fs0:

fs0:\> vol fs0 -d 
Volume has no label (rw) 
1,457,664 bytes total disk space 
220,160 bytes available on disk 
512 bytes in each allocation unit