
下面是一个示例配置脚本,嵌入式 UEFI Shell 可以从指定的网络位置中运行该脚本。您可以使用此脚本创建 RAM 磁盘,然后查找 RAM 磁盘的 FS文件系统, 用于重定向文件输出。

@echo -off

# Setup the environment variables. All of them are created as volatile.

# The volume label for the RAMDISK.
set -v VolumeLabel MYRAMDISK

# Variable to store the file system index that will be looped
# to determine the FS<x> number for the RAMDISK that is created.
set -v FsIndex 0

# Variable to store the output string of the ramdisk -c command.
# Successful creation of RAMDISK will give the following output:
# "RAM disk 'FSx:' created successfully." where x=0,1,2,...
set -v RamDiskStr 0

# Size of the RAMDISK in MegaBytes (MB).
set -v RamDiskSize 512

# Server URL hosting the OS loader and images.
# Can be HTTP or FTP. Names or IP addresses are allowed.
# Ensure DNS service is available and configured (see pre-requisites)
# when server names are used.
set -v Url

# Files to be downloaded
set -v DownloadFile1 efilinux.efi
set -v DownloadFile2 deploy.kernel
set -v DownloadFile3 deploy.ramdisk

# Step 1. Create RAMDISK to store the downloaded OS programs.
echo "Creating a RAM Disk to save downloaded files..."
ramdisk -c -s %RamDiskSize% -v %VolumeLabel% -t F32 >v RamDiskStr
if %lasterror% ne 0x0 then
  echo "Cannot create a RAMDISK of size %RamDiskSize%."
echo "RAM Disk with Volume Label %VolumeLabel% created successfully."

# Step 2. Check each word in the output (RamDiskStr) and see if it matches
# the FSx: pattern. The newly created RAMDISK will be FS1: or higher.
# Here the check goes upto FS3: (the inner for loop), but a larger limit 
# may be used in case many other file systems already exist before
# the creation of this RAMDISK. The FS for the RAMDISK is found when the 
# FsIndex matches the FS<x> in RamDiskStr. Change the working directory
# to FS<FsIndex>:, so all downloads get saved there.
# FS0: is ignored. In the worst case, when no other usable
# file system is present, FS0: will map to the file system
# that this script is executing from.
for %a in %RamDiskStr%
  for %b run (1 10)
    set -v FsIndex %b
    if 'FS%FsIndex%:' == %a then
      goto RDFOUND

# The following message appears if the newly created RAMDISK cannot be found.
echo "RAMDISK with Volume Label %VolumeLabel% not found!"

# The following message appears if the RAMDISK FS<x> has been found and you are in the
# RAMDISK's root folder.
echo "RAMDISK with Volume Label %VolumeLabel% found at FS%FsIndex%:."

# Step 3: Download the required files into the RAMDISK.
echo "Downloading %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile1% (File 1 of 3...)"
webclient -g %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile1% -o %DownloadFile1%
if %lasterror% ne 0x0 then

echo "Downloading %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile2% (File 2 of 3...)"
webclient -g %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile2% -o %DownloadFile2%
if %lasterror% ne 0x0 then

echo "Downloading %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile3% (File 3 of 3...)"
webclient -g %Url%/deploy/%DownloadFile3% -o %DownloadFile3%
if %lasterror% ne 0x0 then

# Step4: Launch the boot loader.
echo "Starting the OS..."
%DownloadFile1% -f %DownloadFile2% initrd=%DownloadFile3%

# You reach here only if the downloads and booting failed.
echo "Exiting Script."


  1. 创建一个临时 RAM 盘用于保存所下载的引导加载程序、操作系统内核、文件系统以及引导加载程序和内核初始化自身并继续通过网络进行安装所需的任何配置文件。
  2. 确定新创建的 RAM 盘的 FS<x> ID
  3. 将工作目录设置为该 RAM 盘的根目录(例如 FS1:\)。
  4. 下载启动操作系统所需的文件:引导加载程序、操作系统内核及其内存中文件系统。
  5. 执行以下操作之一:
    1. 如果下载所需的所有文件失败,则执行清除并退出启动脚本。
    2. 如果下载成功,则启动引导加载程序,并将操作系统内核文件及其内存中文件系统的路径以及操作系统内核的任何参数(加载程序在启动时必须将这些参数传递给内核)作为命令行参数传递给引导加载程序。

      UEFI Shell 和引导前脚本的作用在此发挥完毕,操作系统现在可通过其内存中文件系统中嵌入的操作系统特有部署脚本,继续自行进行部署。