sysconfig attributes

You can view all current possible sysconfig attribute names, descriptions, current and possible values, and Enum setting types. The following example shows a portion of possible command output.


Output for the sysconfig command varies by server model.

Setting Name    = EmbeddedSerialPort          [Embedded Serial Port]
Current Value   = Com1Irq4                    [COM 1; IRQ4; I/O: 3F8h-3FFh]
Possible Values = Com1Irq4                    [COM 1; IRQ4; I/O: 3F8h-3FFh]
                  Com2Irq3                    [COM 2; IRQ3; I/O: 2F8h-2FFh]
                  Disabled                    [Disabled]
Setting Type    = Enum

Setting Name    = VirtualSerialPort           [Virtual Serial Port]
Current Value   = Com2Irq3                    [COM 2; IRQ3; I/O: 2F8h-2FFh]
Possible Values = Com1Irq4                    [COM 1; IRQ4; I/O: 3F8h-3FFh]
                  Com2Irq3                    [COM 2; IRQ3; I/O: 2F8h-2FFh]
                  Disabled                    [Disabled]
Setting Type    = Enum

Setting Name    = NicBoot1                    [Embedded LOM 1 Port 1]
Current Value   = NetworkBoot                 [Network Boot]
Possible Values = NetworkBoot                 [Network Boot]
                  Disabled                    [Disabled]
Setting Type    = Enum

Setting Name    = PreBootNetwork              [Pre-Boot Network Interface]
Current Value   = FlexLom1                    [Embedded : FlexLOM 1]
Possible Values = FlexLom1                    [Embedded : FlexLOM 1]
                  PciSlot1                    [PCIe Slot 1]
                  PciSlot2                    [PCIe Slot 2]
                  PciSlot3                    [PCIe Slot 3]
                  PciSlot4                    [PCIe Slot 4]
                  PciSlot5                    [PCIe Slot 5]
                  PciSlot6                    [PCIe Slot 6]
                  PciSlot7                    [PCIe Slot 7]
                  PciSlot8                    [PCIe Slot 8]
                  PciSlot9                    [PCIe Slot 9]
Setting Type    = Enum

Setting Name    = Dhcpv4                      [DHCPv4]
Current Value   = Enabled                     [Enabled]
Possible Values = Disabled                    [Disabled]
                  Enabled                     [Enabled]
Setting Type    = Enum