



Displays or changes the current directory.



Specifies the relative or absolute directory path.


If a file system mapping is specified, the current working directory is changed for that device. Otherwise, the current working directory is changed for the current device.

If path is not present, the current working directory (including file system mapping) is displayed to standard output.

The following table describes the conventions that are used to refer to the directory, its parent, and the root directory in the UEFI Shell environment.

Table 1: Directory name conventions




Current directory.

. .

Parent of the current directory.


Root of the current file system.

The current working directory is maintained in the environment variable %cwd%.


To change the current file system to the mapped fs0 file system:

Shell> fs0: 

To change the current directory to subdirectory efi:

fs0:\> cd efi

To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\):

fs0:\efi\> cd ..

To change the current directory to fs0:\efi\tools:

fs0:\> cd efi\tools

To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0):

fs0:\efi\tools\> cd \
NOTE: Changing volumes with cd does not work. For example:
fs0:\efi\tools\> cd fs1:\

First enter fs1:, then cd to the directory you want.

To move between volumes and maintain the current path:

fs0:\> cd \efi\tools 
fs0:\efi\tools\> fs1:
fs1:\> cd tmp
fs1:\tmp> cp fs0:*.* .

This copies all of the files in fs0:\efi\tools into the fs1:\tmp directory.