Adding an iSCSI boot attempt

  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Network Options > iSCSI Boot Configuration > Add an iSCSI Boot Attempt and press Enter.

    A message appears stating that this boot attempt will not be in effect until the next server reboot.

  2. Press Enter.
  3. Select a port on which to attempt iSCSI boot and press Enter
  4. Complete the configuration settings and press Enter to save each setting.
    1. iSCSI Attempt Name—Enter a name.
    2. iSCSI Boot Control—Select Enabled. (The default setting is Disabled).
    3. IP Address Type—Select IPv4.
    4. Connection Retry Count—Enter a value from 0 to 16. Default is 0 (no retries).
    5. Connection Timeout—Enter a value in milliseconds from 100 to 20000. Default is 1000.
    6. Initiator DHCP—Press Enter to enable configuring the iSCSI initiator address from DHCP.
    7. Target DHCP Config—Disable this option (clear the check box), and enter a target name, IP address, port, and boot LUN. This option is enabled by default.
    8. Optional: Authentication Type—If required, select CHAP and complete the CHAP entries.
  5. Select Save Changes.