FIPS log messages

Log type: LOG_INFO, Failure type: SW

FIPS: Onboard Administrator is operating in FIPS Mode Debug.

FIPS: Onboard Administrator is operating in FIPS Mode On.

FIPS: Too many Known Answer Test (KAT) failures: left FIPS mode

FIPS: "Last reboot was due to a Known Answer Test (KAT) failure.

Log type: LOG_ERR, Failure type: SW

OA: Error restoring factory default settings. Restoring FIPS mode...

OA: Failed to restore FIPS mode for standby Onboard Administrator.

OA: Could not restore FIPS mode (error code: [value]).

OA: Could not restore the password for user [value].

OA: Could not restore the strict passwords setting.

OA: Could not restore the minimum password length.

OA: Could not restore the password for user [value].