Event log entries

Event log display Event log explanation
Access options IPMI/DCMI modified by: [user name] The options to access iLO via IPMI/DCMI were modified by the listed user.
Access settings modified by: [user name] Settings to access iLO were modified by the listed user.
Active Health System cleared by: [user name] The Active Health System was cleared by the listed user.
Active Health System disabled by: [user name] The Active Health System was disabled by the listed user.
Active Health System enabled by: [user name] The Active Health System was enabled by the listed user.
Active Health System logging hardware disabled The Active Health System was disabled in hardware.
Active Health System logging hardware enabled The Active Health System was enabled in hardware.
Added group [group name] by: [user name] The listed directory group was added by the listed user.
AlertMail modified by: [user name] The AlertMail settings were modified by the listed user.
AlertMail sent to: [user name] An AlertMail has been sent to the listed user.
APO: iLO attempting to power-on the system iLO attempted to power on the system according to the Auto Power On settings.
APO: Last power state restored The Auto Power On setting was set to restore the last power state when the power to the system was restored.
APO: Restored power state to standby The system power has been restored to the standby state according to the Auto Power On settings.
APO: Settings modified by: [user name] The Auto Power On settings were modified by the listed user.
APO: System configured to always remain off after power was restored The Auto Power On setting was set to remain off after the power to the system was restored.
Asset tag changed by: [user name] The server asset tag was modified by the listed user.
Attempting to install language pack [name] iLO attempted to install the given language pack.
BMC IPMI iLO: [event message] BMC IPMI events
BMC IPMI Watchdog Timer Timeout: [details] BMC IPMI Watchdog Timer timed out with the listed details.
Brown-out: recovery The system was recovered from brown-out.
Brown-out: System configured to always remain off after power was restored The system brown-out recovery did not occur because the system was configured to remain off after the power was restored.
Browser login failure from: [IP address and DNS name] An attempt to login to the iLO web user interface has failed. The login request came from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Browser login: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged in to iLO via the web user interface from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Browser logout: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged out of iLO via the web user interface from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Certificate Warning: Subject [certificate subject] does not match server name [server name] The connection between iLO and the listed server was not secure because the server name did not match the server's SSL certificate.
Cleared REST API State by: [User Name]. External Providers required to re-register. The listed user cleared the REST API state.
Default language settings modified by: [user name] The default language settings were modified by the listed user.
Deleted group [group name] by: [user name] The listed directory group was deleted by the listed user.
Deleted user: [user name] The listed user account was deleted.
Directory settings modified by: [user name] The directory settings were modified by the listed user.
Duplicate IP address [IP address] detected on network. Duplication of the listed IP address was detected.
Dynamic Power Cap disabled by : [user name] The server dynamic power cap was disabled by the listed user.
Dynamic Power Cap set to [value] by : [user name] The server dynamic power cap was set to the listed value by the listed user.
Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: [status details] The status of the Embedded Flash/SD card.
Enclosure Manager RIS communication error: [Error Code]. iLO encountered an error while communicating with the frame link module.
Enforce AES/3DES encryption disabled: [user name] Enforcement of AES/3DES encryption was disabled by the listed user.
Enforce AES/3DES encryption enabled: [user name] Enforcement of AES/3DES encryption was enabled by the listed user.
eRS - [status] The status of the embedded Remote Support subsystem.
Event log cleared The iLO event log was cleared.
Event log cleared by: [user name] The iLO event log has been cleared by the listed user.
Excessive network delay while communicating with virtual [virtual media device] The virtual media connection timed out due to excessive network delay while communicating with the listed virtual media device.
FIPS Mode Enabled The FIPS-compliant mode was enabled.
FIPS Mode was disabled and iLO was reset because of multiple Known Answer Test failures. FIPS mode was disabled and iLO was reset to the factory defaults because there were multiple FIPS Known Answer Test failures.
Firmware reset by [source] for network modifications. iLO was reset by the listed source for network modifications.
Firmware reset to use new hardware iLO was reset to use new hardware.
Firmware upgrade complete Firmware upgrade has completed.
Firmware upgrade started from: [IP address and DNS name] Firmware update was initiated from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Firmware upgrade via CLI failed An attempt to update the firmware via the CLI failed.
Firmware upgrade via online flash component failed An attempt to update the firmware using the online flash component failed.
Firmware upgrade via web page failed Firmware update did not complete successfully. Make sure the firmware image file is correct.
Firmware upgrade via XML failed Firmware upgrade via RIBCL script failed. Make sure the firmware image file is correct.
Firmware upgraded to version [version] Firmware was successfully updated to the listed version.
Group Power Cap for [group] disabled by: [user name] The Group Power Cap for the listed iLO Federation Group was disabled by the listed user.
Group Power Cap for [group] set to [value] by: [user name] The Group Power Cap for the listed iLO Federation Group was set to the listed value by the listed user.
Host server reset by: [user name] The server was reset (warm-rebooted) by the list user.
Hotkey modified by: [user name] Hotkey settings were modified by the listed user.
iLO clock has been synchronized with [IP address] iLO clock has been synchronized with the NTP server at the listed IP address.
iLO clock has been synchronized with the Onboard Administrator iLO clock has been synchronized with the BladeSystem Onboard Administrator.
iLO Federation Group [group] added by: [user name] The listed iLO Federation Group was added to this iLO by the listed user.
iLO Federation Group [group] deleted by: [user name] The listed iLO Federation Group was deleted from iLO by the listed user.
iLO Federation Group [group] modified by: [user name] The listed iLO Federation Group was modified by the listed user.
iLO Federation Management login failure from: [IP address and DNS name] An attempt to login by the iLO Federation Management failed.
iLO Federation Management login: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The iLO Federation Management logged in with the listed user name from the listed IP address and DNS name.
iLO Federation Management logout: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The iLO Federation Management logged out with the listed user name from the listed IP address and DNS name.
iLO Management Processor reset iLO was restarted.
iLO Management Processor reset iLO was reset by the firmware, typically to apply settings.
iLO Management Processor reset to factory defaults iLO was reset to factory defaults. All configurations are restored to the factory defaults.
iLO memory error detected at [address] iLO detected a correctable memory error at the listed address.
iLO Network Configuration modified by [user name] The iLO network configuration was modified by the listed user.
iLO network link down iLO was not connected to a network.
iLO network link up at [link speed] iLO network connection was established at the listed speed.
iLO RBSU exited The iLO RBSU session ended. User logged out and the iLO RBSU exited.
iLO RBSU login failure An attempt to login to iLO via the iLO RBSU failed.
iLO RBSU login: [user name] The listed user logged in to iLO via the iLO RBSU.
iLO reset by user diagnostics iLO was reset by user for diagnostics. This is typically initiated from the Diagnostic page of the iLO web user interface.
iLO Reset due to Server Signature Change. Network and Virtual Profile Settings have been cleared. iLO cleared the static IP and virtual profile settings due to server signature change and then reset.
iLO reset for Firmware upgrade iLO was reset to apply firmware updates.
iLO Self Test Error: [error code] iLO has failed an internal test. The probable cause is that a critical component has failed. Further use of iLO on this server is not recommended.
iLO SNMP settings modified by: [user name] The SNMP was modified by the listed user.
iLO time update failed. Unable to contact NTP server iLO was unable to synchronize the time with the NTP server because the server cannot be reached.
iLO updated the host Date and Time. iLO updated the server onboard clock.
iLO was hard reset by a local user or device iLO was hard reset by a local user or device.
iLO was reset because a FIPS Known Answer Test failed iLO was reset because a FIPS Known Answer Test failed.
iLO was reset for network link auto-detection iLO was reset for network link auto-detection.
iLO was soft reset by a local user, device or enclosure iLO was soft reset by a local user, device, or enclosure.
Integrated Remote Console Trust Settings disabled by: [user name] The IRC Trust Setting was disabled by the listed user. A trusted SSL certificate would be required to launch the IRC.
Integrated Remote Console Trust Settings Enabled by: [user name] The IRC Trust Setting was enabled by the listed user. A trusted SSL certificate would be required to launch the IRC.
IPMI/RMCP login by [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged in to iLO via IPMI/RMCP from the listed IP address and DNS name.
IPMI/RMCP login failure from: [IP address and DNS name] An attempt to login to iLO via IPMI/RMCP failed from the listed IP address and DNS name.
IPMI/RMCP logout: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged out of iLO via IPMI/RMCP from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Key manager configuration modified by: [user name] The key manager configuration was modified by the listed user.
Key manager redundancy modified by: [user name] The key manager redundancy setting was modified by the listed user.
Language pack added Language pack was installed.
[Language Pack] installation complete. The listed language pack installation is complete.
Language pack removed Language pack was removed.
Language pack upgrade failed An error occurred while iLO attempted to update the language pack.
License activation error by: [user name] The license activation key cannot be installed. Possibly the activation key was invalid or not supported.
License added by: [user name] A license activation key was installed by the listed user.
License expired License expired and licensed features are deactivated.
Login security banner disabled by: [user name] The login security banner was disabled by the listed user.
Login security banner enabled by: [user name] The login security banner was enabled by the listed user.
Modified group [group name] by: [user name] The listed directory group was modified by the listed user.
Modified user: [user name] The listed user account was modified.
Multicast configuration modified by: [user name] The multicast configuration was modified by the listed user.
New user: [user name] A new user account was added with the listed user name.
No valid SNMP trap destinations. FQDN lookup failed There are no valid SNMP trap destinations. iLO was unable to look-up the supplied FQDN's.
On-board clock set; was [mm/dd/yyyy ##:##:##] The server onboard clock was set or changed.
Persistent mouse and keyboard DISABLED by: [user name] The persistent mouse and keyboard setting was disabled by the listed user.
Persistent mouse and keyboard ENABLED by: [user name] The persistent mouse and keyboard setting was enabled by the listed user.
Power consumption exceeded user-defined threshold, SNMP warning issued The server power consumption exceeded a user-defined threshold and SNMP warning has been issued.
Power on request received by: [source] iLO receives power on request from the listed source. The source can be the power buttons, wake-on-LAN, automatic power recovery.
Power Regulator setting changed by: [user name] Power Regulator setting changed by the listed user.
Power-Off signal sent to host server by: [user name] The server Power-Off request was sent by the list user.
Power-On signal sent to host server by: [user name] The server Power-On request was sent by the list user.
Problem performing EFUSE communication error: [Error Code]. iLO failed to efuse the unit due to a communication error. The unit must be efused remotely, or removed and re-inserted manually.
Recoverable iLO Error, code [error code] A non-critical error has occurred in iLO and iLO has reset itself. If this issue persists, call customer support.
Remote console computer lock Disabled by: [user name] The remote console auto-lock setting was disabled. The server console lock needs to be done manually.
Remote console computer lock Enabled by: [user name] The remote console auto-lock setting was enabled. The server console will be automatically locked when the remote console session ends.
Remote console login failure from: [IP address and DNS name] An attempt to login to use the iLO Remote Console has failed. The request came from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Remote console session shared by: [IP address and DNS name] A shared remote console session was established for the listed IP address and DNS name.
Remote console started by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The remote console session was started by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Remote console started by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The remote console session was closed by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Remote Syslog modified by: [user name] The Remote Syslog settings were modified by the listed user.
Rest API Info: Rest API Provider Added [provider index] A REST API provider was added at the listed index.
Rest API Warning: Rest API memory cleared [reason] The REST API memory was cleared for the listed reason.
Rest API Warning: REST API Provider Failed to Register [Reason]. The REST API provider failed to register for the listed reason.
Rest API Warning: Rest API Provider Removed [reason] A REST API provider was removed for the listed reason.
RIBCL AHS count cleared by: [user name] The AHS counter for RIBCL was cleared by the listed user.
RIS - Subscription Id: [Subscription Id] created by: [User Name]. The subscription ID was created by the listed user.
RIS - Subscription Id: [Subscription Id] deleted by: [User Name]. The subscription ID was deleted by the listed user.
RIS - Subscription Id: [Subscription Id] closed. Delivery attempts exhausted. The subscription ID was closed.
RIS - Subscription Id: [Subscription Id] updated The subscription ID was updated.
RIS - Maximum number of subscriptions reached. The maximum number of subscriptions was reached.
RIS - Subscription Id: [Subscription Id] expired. The subscription ID expired.
ROM Swap: System ROM has been swapped to backup ROM by: [user name] System ROM has been swapped to backup ROM by the listed user.
Scriptable virtual media ejected by: [user name] Scriptable virtual media was ejected by the listed user.
Scriptable Virtual Media HTTP error [error code] iLO received an HTTP error with the listed error code from the scriptable virtual media hosting server.
Scriptable virtual media inserted by: [user name] Scriptable virtual media was inserted by the listed user.
Scripted Virtual Media could not establish a connection to [URL] iLO could not establish a connection with the listed URL to use as a scriptable virtual media device.
Scriptable virtual media used for: [intent] Scriptable virtual media was used for the listed intent.
Security jumper override detected. Security disabled! The security-override jumper was added on the system board (not recommended). Security was disabled (overridden).
Security jumper setting normal The security-override jumper is not added on the system board (recommended). Security settings operate normally.
Serial CLI login failure An attempt to login to iLO from the Serial CLI failed.
Serial CLI login: [user name] The listed user logged in to iLO via the Serial CLI.
Serial CLI logout: [user name] The listed user logged out of iLO via the Serial CLI.
Serial CLI session started A Serial CLI session started.
Serial CLI session stopped A Serial CLI session stopped.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Enclosure Busy (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due to the enclosure being busy.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Power Hold by Manager Profile (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due to a power hold.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Not Enough Cooling (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due to insufficient cooling.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Electronic Keying or I/O Configuration Error (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due to an electronic keying or I/O configuration error.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Enclosure Error (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due an error with the enclosure.
Server Blade Enclosure Power Requested Denied: Not Enough Power (Enclosure Serial Number <serial number>, Slot <blade slot location>) Power-on request to the specified server was denied due to insufficient power.
Server cumulative power on time cleared by [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The server cumulative power-on time was cleared by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Server FQDN changed by: [user name] The server Fully Qualified Domain Name was modified by the listed user.
The server is not able to power on yet, the power requirements are still being determined. Try again. The server is unable to power on while the power requirements are being determined.
Server Name changed by: [user name] The server name was modified by the listed user.
Server power loss caused by: [cause]. Attempt to restore server power in [duration]. The server power was lost due to the listed cause. iLO will attempt to restore the server power after the listed duration.
Server power removed The server power is turned off.
Server power restored The server power is turned on.
Server reset The server was reset (warm-rebooted).
Server Signature changed. [Reason Code]

The server signature has changed due to one of the following listed reason codes:

  • 0x00 = Server Sig Matches
  • 0x01 = Device Signature Changed
  • 0x02 = Server Bay Changed
  • 0x04 = Enclosure UUID Changed
  • 0x08 = OV Domain ID changed
Shared remote console session has disconnected: [IP address and DNS name] The shared remote console session was disconnected from the listed IP address and DNS name.
SMH FQDN changed by: [user name] The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the System Management Homepage was modified by the listed user.
SNMP Alert on Breach of Power Threshold modified by: [user name] The SNMP Alert on Breach of Power Threshold setting was modified by the listed user.
SNTP server settings modified by: [user name] The NTP servers were modified by the listed user.
SSH key for [user 1] added by: [user 2] The SSH key was added for user 1 by user 2.
SSH key for [user 1] removed by: [user 2] The SSH key for user 1 has been removed by user 2.
SSH login failure from: [IP address and DNS name] An attempt to login to iLO failed from the listed IP address and DNS name, via SSH.
SSH login: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged in to iLO via SSH from the listed IP address and DNS name.
SSH logout: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] The listed user logged out of iLO via SSH from the listed IP address and DNS name.
SSL Certificate installed by : [user name] An SSL certificate was installed on iLO by the listed user.
SSO [role] role privileges set by user: [user name] The SSO role (administrator, operator, user...) was set to listed role by the listed user.
SSO login attempt from [IP address] via [SSO server] as [SSO role] by user: [user name] The listed user attempted to login to iLO using SSO from the listed IP address and SSO server.
SSO rejected An attempt to login to iLO using SSO was rejected.
SSO rejected: Certificate mismatch An attempt to login to iLO using SSO was rejected because the SSO certificate was not trusted.
SSO rejected: not enabled An attempt to login to iLO using SSO was rejected because SSO was not enabled.
SSO rejected: Unknown host An attempt to login to iLO using SSO was rejected because the host name was not trusted.
SSO server [index] removed by user: [user name] The SSO server at the listed index has been removed by the listed user.
SSO server [server name] added by user: [user name] The listed SSO server name was added by the listed user.
SSO server [server name] removed by user: [user name] The listed SSO server name has been removed by the listed user.
SSO Trust Mode set to [mode] by user: [user name] The SSO Trust Mode was set to the listed mode by the listed user.
Stale host ROM detected. Please use System ROM [mm/dd/yyyy] or later. The system BIOS does not meet the minimum requirement of this iLO firmware. Please use the system BIOS version that matches the listed date or newer.
System Boot Mode modified by: [user name] The server boot mode setting was modified by the listed user.
System Boot Order modified by: [user name] The server boot device order was modified by the listed user.
System One-Time Boot modified by: [user name] The system One-Time Boot selection was modified by the listed user.
System power was cycled for update to take effect The system power was cycled for update to take effect.
System Programmable Logic Device update complete. Mandatory system A/C power cycle is required for update to take effect. The System Programmable Logic Device has been successfully updated. Cycle system A/C power for the update to take effect.
System Programmable Logic Device update failed An attempt to update the System Programmable Logic Device failed.
System Programmable Logic Device update starting System Programmable Logic Device update was started.
Textcons session started by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] A text remote console (TEXTCONS) session was started by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Textcons session stopped by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] A text remote console (TEXTCONS) session was stopped by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Unable to export key from key manager iLO was unable to export a key from the key manager.
Unable to import key into key manager iLO was unable to import a key into the key manager.
Update of Power Management Controller failed An attempt to update the Power Management Controller failed.
Update of Power Management Controller from version [version number] starting. The Power Management Controller update was started. The current version is listed.
Update of Power Management Controller to version [version number] complete The Power Management Controller has been successfully updated to the listed version.
User [user 1] added by [user 2] A user account was added.
User [user 1] deleted by [user 2] A user account was deleted.
User [user 1] modified by [user 2] A user account was modified.
Utility data center lock disabled by: [user name] The utility data center lock was disabled by the listed user.
Utility data center lock enabled by: [user name] The utility data center lock was enabled by the listed user.
Virtual media connected by: [user name] A virtual media device was connected by the listed user.
Virtual media disconnected by: [user name] A virtual media device was disconnected by the listed user.
Virtual NMI selected by: [user name] The virtual non-maskable interrupt was generated by the listed user.
Virtual Profile Settings have been cleared due to Server Signature change. The virtual profile settings were cleared.
Virtual Serial Port started by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] Virtual Serial Port was started by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Virtual Serial Port stopped by: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name] Virtual Serial Port was stopped by the listed user from the listed IP address and DNS name.
Web UI inaccessible. Rebooting #iLO. The iLO is rebooting.
XML login failure from: [IP address and DNS name]. An attempt to login to iLO failed from the listed IP address and DNS name, via the RIBCL interface.
XML login: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name]. The listed user logged in to iLO via the RIBCL interface from the listed IP address and DNS name.
XML logout: [user name] - [IP address and DNS name]. The listed user logged out of iLO via the RIBCL interface from the listed IP address and DNS name.