About personalizing multiple servers at once

A very powerful feature of IC server provisioning is the ability to personalize many servers at once. There are some important things you need to know when personalizing more than one server at a time.

  • Host names are specified using a host name prefix and a starting integer. All host names are then applied in sequence from that starting integer. For example, If there are five servers, and the host name prefix is “my-new-host-“, and the starting index is 7, the servers will be named “my-new-host-07” through “my-new-host-11”. Note that zeroes are automatically added to the single digit numbers so that servers will appear in order when sorted alphabetically. You can also add your own leading zeroes for padding, so specifying “0007” as the starting index would produce “0007” thru “0011”.

  • Static IP addresses are assigned in sequential order from the starting address you specify. For example, if there are five servers, and the starting IP address is, the servers will be assigned thru Of course, you can always just specify DHCP if you do not have a sequential range of addresses available.

  • In order to produce predictable results, all of the servers you are personalizing together must be effectively the same, which means the servers must:

    • have the same hardware model

    • be running the same operating system or service OS

    • have the same number of NICs

    • have the same NIC names

    • have the same Deployment NIC name

    • be in the same state

  • Host names and IP addresses are assigned in the order that your target servers are listed in the Run OS Build Plans screen. You can change the assignment order by selecting different sort orders in the table.

  • Server personalization behavior can vary across different OSs and hardware. To ensure you get the results you desire, consider personalizing a single server first. Once that works, do the rest.