Clear an activity

Use the following procedure to change the state of an activity (usually an alert) to Cleared.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Clearing an activity does not delete it.

Typically, you would clear an activity when the alert is no longer a concern and the health of the resource is not affected by that event. Because a Cleared activity is hidden from view, changing the state to Cleared helps reduce the number of activities displayed.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: You cannot clear a Locked activity.


  • Minimum required privileges: Infrastructure administrator

Clearing an activity

  1. From the main menu, select Activity to navigate to the screen.

  2. To select a single activity, click a row.

    To select multiple activities, press and hold the Ctrl key.

  3. Select ActionsClear.

Alternatively, you can clear a single activity by clicking the x in the last column of its activity list entry.