Network details

Active Network Interface

The following details are displayed for the active network interface:

  • Active network interface name—The name of the active iLO network interface ( iLO Dedicated Network Port or iLO Shared Network Port).

    To navigate to the Network Summary page, click the network interface name link.

  • IP Address—The iLO subsystem IP Address. If an IPv4 address is not configured, this value is not displayed.

  • Link-Local IPv6 Address—The iLO subsystem SLAAC link-local address.

  • iLO Hostname—The fully qualified network name assigned to the iLO subsystem. By default, the hostname is ILO, followed by the system serial number and the current domain name. This value is used for the network name and must be unique.

iLO Virtual NIC

The iLO Virtual NIC section displays the IP address to use when you connect to iLO through the Virtual NIC.

To navigate to the Access Settings page, where you can enable this feature, click iLO Virtual NIC.