Linux tools (sosreport and supportconfig)

To assist in possible Linux installation issues on HPE ProLiant servers, Hewlett Packard Enterprise will request operating system configuration information. To assist Hewlett Packard Enterprise with any investigation please gather the system configuration information before contacting Hewlett Packard Enterprise technical support. After contacting Hewlett Packard Enterprise technical support you will be provided details of how to make the collected information available to Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

For each of the following Linux distributions, use the tool indicated:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and distributions based on RHEL)—sosreport
  • SLES—supportconfig
  • Ubuntu—sosreport

Other distributions are likely to use either the sosreport or supportconfig. If your distribution does not provide either, use the distribution provided method of collecting information equivalent to sosreport and/or supportconfig. If you need to install sosreport or supportconfig, use the standard software management tools provided by your distribution.

Please note that this may not be the only information you are asked to collect. Hewlett Packard Enterprise technical support will provide details on how to collect any additional data required. The collection of any extra data may require you to install additional Hewlett Packard Enterprise or distribution provided software.