Accessing the System Utilities menu

To complete these steps, you need the HPE USB-to-serial cable (HPE part number 871947-B21).

Settings for connecting USB cable to serial port
Specifications Value
Baud rate 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bit 1 (8 N1)
Flow control XON/XOFF
  1. Power down the cartridge.
  2. Connect the USB-to-serial cable to the system. The USB end is connected to a system USB port.
  3. Attach the serial end of the cable to a serial port using a null modem cable. The other serial port may be another USB-to-serial adapter on a different machine.
  4. Power on the cartridge. The serial console output screen displays.

    Serial console output screen

  5. Press the ESC + 9 keys. The System Utilities menu displays.

    System utilities screen