NVDIMM sanitization

Media sanitization is defined by NIST SP800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization (Rev 1, Dec 2014) as "a general term referring to the actions taken to render data written on media unrecoverable by both ordinary and extraordinary means."

The specification defines the following levels:

  • Clear: Overwrite user-addressable storage space using standard write commands; might not sanitize data in areas not currently user-addressable (such as bad blocks and overprovisioned areas)
  • Purge: Overwrite or erase all storage space that might have been used to store data using dedicated device sanitize commands, such that data retrieval is "infeasible using state-of-the-art laboratory techniques"
  • Destroy: Ensure that data retrieval is "infeasible using state-of-the-art laboratory techniques" and render the media unable to store data (such as disintegrate, pulverize, melt, incinerate, or shred)

The NVDIMM-N Sanitize options are intended to meet the Purge level.

For more information on sanitization for NVDIMMs, see the following sections in the HPE 16GB NVDIMM User Guide on the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website (https://www.hpe.com/info/nvdimm-docs):

  • NVDIMM sanitization policies

  • NVDIMM sanitization guidelines

  • Setting the NVDIMM-N Sanitize/Erase on the Next Reboot Policy

NIST SP800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization (Rev 1, Dec 2014) is available for download from the NIST website (https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-88r1.pdf).