DataHub Stats

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DataHub statistics provide OT Link Platform data throughput insights.

View DataHub Statistics

To view DataHub message broker statistics:

  1. In the OT Link Platform navigation panel, click DataHub.
  2. Click the Stats tab.

The following statistics represent message broker activity–that is, the amount of data transferred–either since the beginning of data collection or since the manual reset of the statistics. These numbers do not differentiate the direction of the data flows.

Total Data Volume: Total amount of data sent through the message broker.

Total Number of Messages: Total number of messages sent through the message broker.

Total Number of Topics: Total number of topics in the message broker.

Reset DataHub Statistics

Reset DataHub statistics when you want to start with a fresh point-in-time data set.

To reset DataHub statistics:

  1. In the OT Link Platform navigation panel, click DataHub.
  2. Click the Stats tab.
  3. In the Topics section, click the Actions list to view the options: Reset Stats and Search Topics.
  4. Select Reset Stats.

  5. Confirm the reset action.

    The statistics will reset, but then immediately begin updating from this point in time.